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Concealed Carry by State: What You Need To Know

Concealed Carry by State: What You Need To Know

If you have ever looked into the concealed carry laws in the USA, then you would know it varies drastically from state to state. This is because the majority of legislation is at the state level making these laws independent from the Federal firearms laws. In turn, this creates a variety of approaches to concealed carry including permits, carry laws, and sales.

When you look closely at concealed carry laws each state falls into one of the three categories: Unrestricted, Shall Issue, May Issue. It is also important to keep in mind that within these categories there are restrictions that dictate if they will give a permit to a resident of the state or non-resident.

  • Unrestricted- Does not require a permit to carry a firearm and is often referred to as Constitutional Carry.
  • Shall Issue- Requires a permit to carry a firearm. The applicant only has to meet the requirements set by law such as minimum age, training, background checks, etc.
  • May Issue- Again a carry permit is required but laws can be restrictive and in some states difficult to comply with. It is left to the discretion of law enforcement as to whether a permit to carry will be issued.

Now let’s take a look at how each state breaks down and who is able to carry a concealed firearm within them. Please follow the links provided for more detailed information on your individual states requirements.


Shall Issue to Residents Only:

States that are Shall Issue to Resident Only will issue any resident of that state a concealed carry permit as long as they meet all requirements.
Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Guam, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, Wyoming

Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:

States that are Shall Issue to Resident and Non-Residents will issue any resident of that state or a non-resident a concealed carry permit as long as they meet all requirements.

Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin

May Issue to Residents Only:

States that are May Issue to Residents Only have the authority to make a judgment on whether or not they want to issue a concealed carry permit to a resident of that state even after they have met all requirements. They will not issue to non-residents of that state.

California, Delaware, Virgin Islands

May Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:

States that are May Issue to Residents Only have the authority to make a judgment on whether or not they want to issue a concealed carry permit to a resident of that state or non-resident even after they have met all requirements.

Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York

Unrestricted and Shall Issue to Residents Only:

States that are Unrestricted and Shall Issue to Residents Only have some form of Unrestricted law which allows residents (and in some cases non-residents) to carry a concealed weapon without having a permit. But they will still issue any resident of that state a concealed carry permits as long as they meet all requirements.

Alaska, West Virginia

Unrestricted and Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:

States that are Unrestricted and Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents have some form of Unrestricted law which allows residents (and in some cases non-residents) to carry a concealed weapon without having a permit. But they will still issue any resident of that state and non-residents a concealed carry permit as long as they meet all requirements.

Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire

Unrestricted and Does Not Issue Permits:

States that are Unrestricted and Does Not Issue Permits have some form of Unrestricted law which allows residents (and in some cases non-residents) to carry a concealed weapon without having a permit. They also do not issue any form of concealed carry permit.


So there you have it, you understand your rights and have taken the steps to enable you to carry a concealed firearm. The next important factor to consider is your daily gear. Start with the gun belt, since you will be using it so frequently. It is so important that it performs to the highest standards and works to eliminate any sagging, discomfort, or sloppy draws. We designed our KORE gun belts to be the perfect concealed carry belt. Discreet but with the top engineering, because nobody needs to know that you are carrying.




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